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Hi guys, do you have a bus sprite by any chance? We've got a bus stop but I can't seem to find a corresponding bus to go with it :)  Thanks!


Sent you an email.  :)

Hello, do you have a garage tileset? I want a garage door that opens and closes.

Will one like this one work?

Yes, that's worked, thank you very much. :D

Would it be possible to get a damaged & wrecked variants as a follow up pack?

Will add that to the request list!

This is a great set! The only request I'd like to put in for some time in the future regarding vehicles is some classic cars: 1960's - 70's ones, like wood-panneled station wagons, classic VW Bugs, Shelby Cobras, Novas,  the original Camaro, Fury, old Fiat Spyders, older muscle cars, basically :)

Thanks!  Added to the request list.

You going to make a military vehicle set eventually?

Definitely possible.  We've had requests for military bases in the past and would probably include vehicles with that.

Is in this or other packages a police-car?


Not in this one.  We probably are going to make a police station/emergency vehicle pack but it's still on the to-do list.

I know this is an old comment, but I really second the idea of having police cars.

My game has time travel so every modern one you guys do I happy about.  There seems to be a lot detail with this one.  I should get it while it's on sale.

this is another modern must have! If you ever do a modern tile set based on like anime or comic conventions I will be there!! lol


Added it to the request list!  :D

whispers ( any  update on that anime con pack)lol

Haven't forgotten about it.  :)  We just have a really full request list at the moment so it might be a while.

4-way modern vehicles? Oh joy. When I have money this is at the top of my list of things to get.

Seriously, I don't, for the life of me, know why so many other modern resources only do cars and trucks from two sides in order to fit in parking spaces.

amazing tiles as always, cant wait for a courthouse & courtroom tiles.