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Hello I do have 1 quick question, does this include a wider segmented bridge? I see there's a single tile one, but I was thinking like RPG Maker's RTP with that 3x3 that you can extend in both length and width.

There is a stone bridge that can go north-south and east-west in the way you describe, and an east-west wood bridge of a slightly different design.

I only see the wood one used as a 1xX hence I was asking, wasn't sure if it could be widened or not like the stone one.

Hi, one question, they could be used in games ported to consoles?

Sure, that's no problem.  :)

Your creation is the best among all the materials. I want to buy all your assets, but unfortunately I don't have enough money to realize this idea, which is very uncomfortable.

Sorry it's like that.  :(  Thank you for the compliment though!

I'm so happy that I found this. I was thinking about adding a Dryad village to my game. Great Designs!


Thanks so much!  I'm glad it will help you.  :)

(2 edits)

Hey there,

Looks great. I see it can be used for commercial projects. Can it be used with SRPG Studio?

EDIT: I just saw the compatibility list and saw SRPG as good to go. I am assuming that is SRPG Studio, please let me know if there is any concern with me using this in that engine.

I tested tilesets with the demo version available on Steam, so all tiles should be good to go; if I missed something let me know!  Animations are a little trickier, so not sure about those. You can use them with any game engine you like if you can get them working there.  :)

Bought this a while ago and is such an amazing tile. I love it! The flower roofts are the best thing ever.

Happy new year! you guys work hard and it shows. I hope 2021 have lots of good things for your team! 

Thank you so much!  Happy New Year!




These looks fantastic!