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Thank you so much for the update, it's beautiful!

Thanks so much!

The updates are gorgeous!


Thank you!


I'd love to see a darker japanese castle tileset. I plan to have a ninja clan in my game, and that'd be awesome to use with this.

I think that has been requested but I'll double-check the list and make sure.  

If this didn't happen, I can help show you how to make it look darker with overlays, parallax, and good lighting. If you show me your map, I can screenshot it and do a quick example/help you with it

Hi when I try to use the bridge, the character just walks over the bottom of the tile as well, sticking his foot in the water. Using MZ. Any tips for a fix? 

I'd just make it so only the top row of tiles could be walked on in the passability settings.  That's the easiest way to handle it.


Do you plan to do any other themes such as Greek/Rome, and Celtic? I am in real need for those as well!

Yes!  They're on the request list.  :)

Do you know if there is a roadmap of the KR future creation plans regarding future tileset releases? If not I think that would a be cool thing to add to their website so people know what coming up.

It would definitely be cool.  I don't know if it's something we'll ever do, because I have a ton going on right now and I'll probably forget to keep it updated. Plus I hate to tell people we're going to make something and if it falls through for some reason, people will be disappointed.  I hate to set expectations that for some reason I can't fulfill.  I do want to eventually draw most requests, it's just hard to figure out a timeline because, with all the variations we'd probably make, we're nearing 100 requests on the list.

You could possibly do a top next 10 or 20 on your list can keep it simple like that no timeline or promises there, it would just give a possible idea on what on your radar if that would work better. Just some thoughts ^u^

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Do you have plans to do a Japanese theme tileset? Day and night included? 80s/90s be amazing. I'd certainly purchase that. Ty and amazing work!

It's possible!  Do you happen to have some references?

GuttyKreum made quite a few Japan theme tileset packs, but sadly they're 32x32 and pixel style which I like but with the style you have, it wouldn't work imo. I recently saw a Youtuber who created a 1980s studio theme. He has a good example of that old, retro, and nostalgic feel to it all while including modern assets from Japan today's time. Kabukicho is a good example of the nightlife and how the amazing colours project off the neon signs. Hard to say tbh.

Awesome, thanks.  I thought this might be what you were referring to but wanted to make double sure.  :)

Thanks! Hope to see them ^_^

What pixel size are the tiles optimized for?

You get both 48x48 and 32x32.  :)

I bought the set but the 32x32 "ACE" set seems to actually be optimized for 16x16, at 32x32 a lot of the floor and roof tiles seem to cut too big. For example there's no 32x32 square of just a plain tatami mat, the squares all have some of the black or red or brown trim around the edges, and the water/grass border squares and other surface  textures don't have any tiles that are just solid water or solid grass or just a straight horizontal edge between textures, they only offer the 4 curving corners (see image below), while the bits with the tiny corner pieces for filling in the curving banks have all 4 corners on one 32x32 square instead of making it possible to have only one of the corners. Similarly with the roof tiles there are edges and corners but no pure middle tiles. Any suggestion? Is it somehow loading wrong? It's gorgeous otherwise, I love the objects and plants, and textures! In the image you can see the 32x32 grid, is it lining up wrong? Thanks a ton for the help, and for the gorgeous work! I can't wait to work with it once we figure out this small thing. I am sure this is the 32x32 set, the other one was even more too big.

Looking forward to using your Candyland and mega tree packs too!

OK, I know exactly what's going on here, but before I go offering suggestions, let me ask - what game engine are you using and how does it format tiles?  I'll see if I can fix up something that works better for you.  :)  

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I'm using Tiled. ( ) Thank you so much for being willing to help! It's a rare combination finding an artist whose work is so great and who's also so responsive and helps so much!

(FYI the other packs of yours that I'm planning/hoping to use are Candyland, Cathedral, & Foliage Pack for sure, and if we can fix this fairly simply then probably also Castle & Tuscan Seaside, maybe others. Thanks again!)

Any advice? Sorry to ask again but it would be very valuable to be able to work with the kit this weekend. Thanks!


Awesome! Instant purchase for me. Thank you so much! :)

*crosses fingers for an eventual Psycho Pass dystopian future city and Ancient Greece /Greek temples*

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You're very welcome! :)  Hope it works for you!

I second that Janu!! The dystopian 10000%! and be sure to include random trash items... for some reason no one makes that. 

OK, made a note of that!  Thanks!  :)

Yes I'd love an ancient Greece/Rome type set too!